Third Sector Mental Health Forum
The forum is a sub group of the Cwm Taf Morgannwg Together for Mental Health Partnership Board and is Chaired by Janet Whiteman.
The Forums aims are to:
- put the citizens voice at the heart of everything we do
- be a focal point for mental health organisations working locally
- influence positive change in services provided for people with mental health issues
- debate local issues and act in the best interest of the mental health community
- promote mental health awareness, promote quality standards in service provision and good practice in mental health
The Forum’s work is underpinned by the principles of stronger partnership and collaborative working in planning, delivering and monitoring. The Forum realises the resources and skills within communities and empowers and supports service users to be involved in all aspects of delivery and planning to ensure what matters to people is at the heart of what we do, improved care, advice, information and support for those in need and often most vulnerable in our communities is delivered in a co-productive way.
The forum is a network of third sector mental health organisations working locally to bring together the mental health third sector, service users and carers and statutory sector to enhance partnership working and co-production across all of Cwm Taf Morgannwg.
If you would like more information about the forum please email Janet on